Biographical Information

The John M. Woolsey Collection is comprised of 15 folders containing historically significant legal documents from 1790 to 1844.  Judge John W. Woolsey donated this collection to the UVA Law Library in honor of T. Catesby Jones (UVA Law Alumni, 2003) who has been serving as Chairman of the Alumni Fund for the Department of Law.  These items include the records of two cases signed by Samuel Chase, Justice of the United States Supreme Court and signer of the Declaration of Independence.  These records were made when Justice Chase presided over the Supreme Court of Maryland.  An agreement of arbitration between James Monroe, 5th President of the United States, and Nathan Skinner, entirely in Monroe’s handwriting, is accompanied by 6 papers in this collection.  Several of the early documents were written by George Wythe.  There is one appeal written by John Marshall and endorsed by Wythe.  An autographed letter from Charles Levy, brother of Light Horse Harry Lee is dated April 30, 1790. 

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