This case revolves around a Petition for Freedeom filed by Negro Jim against William Curren. Curren contended that Jim, an African American slave, had runaway in 1784 from his previous master, Mr. Patterson of Maryland and attempted to assume an identity as a free African American at the household of Robert Fleming in Pennsylvania. Mr. Curren mainted that Jim was never free and should not be granted his freedom because he had no right as a slave to do so under Pennsylvanian law. Deponents include Robert Fleming (nephew of the previously mentioned Robert Fleming), John Scott, Betsy Smith, and Thomas Curren. The depositions were taken from 1792 - 1806.
Collection | The Papers of Roger B. Taney, 1792 (1805-1812) - 1818 |
Box | Box 1 |
Folder | The Papers of Roger B. Taney |
Type | Manuscript |
Use, Reproduction, and Publication of Materials |
Associated People