Collection Data

Accession MSS 86-5
Collection The Papers of E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr. 1944 - 1982
Folder Container Box 2
Current Folder Case Material: Brown v. Board of Education - Working Papers

Folder Contents (Digitized Contents Only)

Memorandum from Chief Justice Warren regarding Brown II, May 1955
Rough Draft of Memorandum by Prettyman regarding Justice Jackson's Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education, circa March 1954
Memorandum by Prettyman regarding Justice Jackson's Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education, circa March 1954
Memorandum for Chief Justice Warren from Justice Harlan regarding Brown II, 12 May 1955
Notes re: Segregation Decision, by Prettyman, 15 December 1954
Notes re: Segregation Decision (Brown II), submitted by Prettyman to Justice Jackson, September 1954
Letter from Prettyman to Justice Frankfurter Discussing Personalities on the Court and Specific Decisions, undated
Memorandum by Prettyman regarding Brown II Opinion, circa 1955
Miscellaneous Notes by Prettyman regarding Brown II Opinion, circa 1955
Handwritten Notes by Prettyman regarding School Zoning (Brown II), circa 1955
"Comments re Segregation Plan" by Prettyman, circulated to the Justices 17 November 1954
Collection of Maps Circulated to the Justices Regarding Brown II, 17 November 1954
Memorandum from Prettyman to Justice Jackson regarding Brown II, circa September 1954
Prefatory Note to Legislative History of the Fourteenth Amendment, undated
Legislative History of the Fourteenth Amendment, undated
Summary of Case Studies Considered in Brown II, circa 1955
Prettyman's Notes on Desegregation Material Considered in Brown II, circa 1955
Outline of Segregation Research Project, 1954
Segregation Research Report, 17 November 1954 (1 of 2)
Segregation Research Report, 17 November 1954 (2 of 2)