Collection Summary
Creator: | |
Title: | Department of Justice Statements of the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General (1943-1951) |
Accession: | MSS 82-2 |
Description: | 2 boxes; 3/4 linear feet |
Location: | This collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections before your visit to ensure your papers are available. |
Photograph Collection: | View 0 digitized photographs |
Digitized Content: | 0 objects |
Use Restrictions: | There are no restrictions. |
Collection Description & Arrangement
This collection contains speeches and press releases from various officials of the United States Department of Justice. All the items are typescript copies and date generally from the World War II period. Most of the speeches concern domestic legal and economic issues, chiefly civil rights, demobilization and labor problems.
Speeches presented by the following individuals:
- Francis Biddle, Attorney General of the United States.
- Tom C. Clark, Attorney General of the United States.
- Edgar J. Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
- Herbert A. Bergson, Assistant Attorney General.
- J. Howard McGrath, Attorney General of the United States.
- Philip B. Perlman, Solicitor General of the United States.
- Wendell Berge, Assistant Attorney General of the United States.
Acquisition Information
Date Received | 1982 |
Donor Information | Law Library Public Documents Department transfer to Special Collections in 1982. |
Content List
Box 1
Folder 1: Francis Biddle, United States Attorney General; 1942 - 1943
The First of Two William B. White Foundation Lectures Delivered at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 12-4-1942.
Department of Justice Statement, 12-15- 1942
Address at the Memorial Services for Mr. Justice Brandeis, United States Supreme Court, 12-21-1942.
Summary of Remarks at the Sixth General Assembly of the Council of State Governments, Baltimore, Maryland, 1-26-1943.
"Prosecution of War Crimes", an Address Broadcast Over Radio Station WCKY, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2-1-1943.
Lincoln Day Address delivered at the Opening Dedication of the South Broad Street USO Club, Philadelphia, 2-12-1943.
Address before the Annual Dinner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Philadelphia, 3-17-1943.
Notes for Speech before the Swedish Colonial Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 4-10-1943.
Address on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Four Freedoms Annual Award by the Italian American Labor Council, Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, 4-13-1943.
"The Government and the War", the Second of Two William H. White Foundation Lectures, delivered at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 5-3-1943.
Address delivered at The National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, 9-14-1943.
Statement before a Sub-committee of the Senate Judiciary Committee in Opposition to Senate Bill 1362, 10-27-1943.
Statement at the Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Military Affairs Committee, 11-9-1943.
"Democracy and Racial Minorities" Address before the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City, 11-11-1943.
Testimony before a Sub-committee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on H. R. 3690, 12-3-1943.
Folder 2: Francis Biddle, United States Attorney General; 1943 – 1945:
Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 12-20-1943.
"Cartels: an Approach to the Problem" Address to be Given at the Annual Dinner of the Harvard Law School Alumni Association, Harvard Club, New York, 2-23-1944.
Address before the Annual Meeting of the Hebrew and Immigrant Aid Society, New York City, 3-5-1944.
Statement before the War Contracts Subcommittee of the Senate Military Committee, 4-16-1944.
Address before the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Boston, MA, 6-5-1944.
Statement before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization, Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate of the United States (Kilgore Committee), Washington, D. C., 8-29-1944.
Message to the Section of Criminal Law, American Bar Association, 9-12-1944.
"Opportunity and Security", Address before the Convention of the Minnesota State Federation of Labor, St. Cloud, MN, 9-19-1944.
Address before the Annual Conference of the National Urban League, Columbus, OH, 9-28-1944.
"Civil Rights and the Federal Law". Lecture Delivered at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 10-4-1944.
"Challenge to Liberalism" an Address at the First Annual Dinner of the Liberal Party of New York, New York City, 3-23-1945.
"International Cartels". Address at the Luncheon of the Foreign Policy Association, Philadelphia Branch, 4-7-1945.
Statement before the Sub-Committee on Foreign Contracts Bill and Special Committee Investigating Petroleum Resources of the Senate of the United States, Washington D.C., 5-17-1945.
Folder 3: Tom C. Clark, Attorney General of United States Attorney General; 1945 – 1946:
“Antitrust Policy During the War”. Address before the American Business Congress, New York City, 4-22-1923.
“Federal Justice: A Statement of Policy”. Address Broadcast Over NBC Station WRC, Washington, D. C., 6-6-1945.
Statement before the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency on S. 380, the Full Employment Bill of 1945, Washington, D. C., 6-24-1945.
“The Significance of the Sherman Act”. Address before the Commerce and Industry Association of New York, Incorporated, New York, NY, 9-25-1945.
“The United States Department of Justice. A brief Account of Its Organization and Activities”, October 1945.
Address before the Indiana State Bar Association, Indianapolis, IN, 1-25-1946.
Address prepared for delivery delivered before the Political Action Committee, Chicago, IL, 4-22-1946.
“Clearing the Channels of Competition”. Address prepared for delivery before the United States Chamber of Commerce, Atlantic City, NJ, 5-1-1946.
Address before the Riccobono Seminar of Roman Law, Catholic University, Washington, D. C., 5-16-1946. [Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure].
“Civil Rights”. Address prepared for delivery before the Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, IL, 6-21-1946.
Address delivered before the General Federation of Women’s Club, Chicago, IL, 6-22-1946. [Juvenile Delinquency].
Excerpts of an Address before the Homecoming Picnic Sponsored by the Guernsey County and the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce. Cambridge, OH, 8-15-1946.
“Free Enterprise and the Antitrust Laws.” Address prepared for delivery before the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, 10-25-1946.
“Justice in the Reconstruction Period.” Address prepared for delivery before the Carolina State Bar, Raleigh, NC, 10-25-1946.
“Women and the Law.” Address prepared for delivery before the National Association of Women Lawyers, Atlantic City, NJ, 10-27-1946.
Address prepared for delivery before the New York Herald Tribune Forum, New York City, 10-28-1946.
“War’s Aftermath and the Criminal Courts”. Address prepared for delivery before the Section of Criminal Law, American Bar Association, Atlantic City, NJ, 10-29-1946.
“Insurance and the Antitrust Law.” Address prepared for delivery at the Annual Dinner of the Insurance Law Section, American Bar Association, Atlantic City, NJ, 10-29-1946.
Address prepared for delivery before the National Institute of Municipal Law Offices, Washington, D. C., 12-3-1946.
Folder 4: Tom C. Clark, United States Attorney General; 1946 – 1949:
Text of Argument before the United States Supreme Court in the Case of the United States of America v. United Mine Workers of America and John L. Lewis, Individually and as President of the United Workers of America, 1-14-1947.
Statement before the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and excerpts of statements made by Assistant Attorney General Wendell Berge in Charge of the Antitrust Division, and Special Assistant to the Attorney General James E. Kilday on S. 110 (Formerly known as the Bulwinkle Bill and now the Reed Bill), [1-24-1947].
Address at Joint Ceremonies of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Sons of the Revolution, Children of the Revolution, Washington, D. C., 2-22-1947.
Address before The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Washington, D. C., 2-22-1947.
[Printed] Opinion of the Attorney General of the United States. Administrative Allocation Downward of Position Held by Veteran, 3-31-1947.
“Law and Justice in the Post-War World.” Address prepared for delivery before the American Society of International Law, Washington, D. C., 4-24-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the Second National Conference on Citizenship, Boston, MA, 5-10-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the National Convention Dinner of P’NAI B’IRTH, Washington, D.C., 5-12-1947.
“Insurance - Bulwark of Free Enterprise”. Address prepared for delivery before the Insurance Brokers Association of New York, Inc., New York, NY, 5-13-1947.
Address prepared for delivery at I AM AN AMERICAN DAY Ceremonies, Washington, D. C., 5-18-1947.
Address prepared for delivery at the closing dinner of National Conference on Catholic Youth Work, Cleveland, OH, 5-21-1947.
Address prepared for delivery at Seventy-Ninth Annual Memorial Day Exercises, Arlington Memorial Amphitheatre, Washington, D. C., 5-30-1947.
Address prepared for delivery at Graduation Exercises Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, 6-11-1947.
Address delivered at The National 4-H Club Citizenship Ceremony, Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D. C., 6-17-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the 21st International Sunday School Convention, Des Moines, IA, 6-24-1947.
Remarks prepared for delivery before the Federal Bar Association Dinner in honor of the Senior Circuit Judges, Washington, D. C., 9-26-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the Chamber of Commerce, Schenectady, NY, 11-1-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the American Municipal Association, New Orleans, LA, 11-5-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before Centre College, Danville, KY, 11-15-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the Indiana Association of Indiana Association of Insurance Agents, Indianapolis, IN, 11-19-1947.
Address prepared for delivery before the Fifth Annual New York Mirror Youth Forum, New York, NY, 12-13-1947.
Statement before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., 2-5-1948
"The Spirit of Brotherhood”. Address prepared for delivery before the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, Washington, D. C., 2-14-1948
Address prepared for delivery before the Federation for Railway Progress Annual Dinner, New York City, 2-24-1948.
Address at the Memorial Ceremonies for Chief Justice Stone before the Supreme Court of the United States, 3-21-1948.Address at the Memorial Ceremonies for Justice McReynolds before the Supreme Court of the United States, 3-21-1948.
Address representing the President of the United States, Harry S. Trumann in Welcoming the First Group of Former Displaced Persons on their Arrival in New York City Aboard the General W. M. Black , 10-30-1948.
Address prepared for delivery at a Washington’s Birthday Patriotic Rally under the auspices of The Civilian Military Manpower Committee, Brooklyn, NY, 2-21-1949.
Address prepared for delivery before the Jewish Labor Committee Convention, Atlantic City, NJ, 2-25-1949.
Address prepared for delivery before The Woman’s Party Banquet, Washington, D. C., 4-2-1949.
Address prepared for delivery at the Tolling of Mission Liberty Bell on the Capitol Steps under the auspices of National Conference of Christians and Jews, 4-20-1949.
Address prepared for delivery before the Presbyterian Social Union, Baltimore, MD, 5-4-1949.
Address prepared for delivery before YMCA - YWCA Banquet, Oklahoma City, OK, 5-5-1949.
Folder 5: J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1950:
Statement before the Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 3-27-1950.
Address at the Dinner of the Grand Lodge of New York, New York, NY, 5-2-1950.
Folder 6: Herbert A. Bergson, Assistant Attorney General; 1949 – 1950:
"The Antitrust Laws and the A & P Case.” Speech before the Twentieth Quarterly Conference of Operation, Incorporated, Chicago, ILL, 10-18-1949.
Address before the Public Relations Society of America, New York City, 12-6-1949.
Address before the New York State Association, New York City, 1-25-1950.
Address before the Southern Legal Foundation, Dallas, TX, 3-24-1950.
Folder 7: Philip B. Perlman, United States Solicitor General; 1950:
“Civil Rights at the Half Century Mark.” Address before the Third Annual Conference on Civil Liberties, sponsored by the National Civil Liberties Clearing House, Washington, D. C., 2-23-1950.
Box 2:
Folder 1: J. Howard McGrath, United States Attorney General; 1949 - 1950:
Remarks prepared for delivery before the Connecticut State Bar Association, Hartford, CT, 10-10-1949.
Substance of Remarks prepared for delivery at the 16th Annual Convention of the American Finance Conference, Chicago, IL, 11-15-1949.
Address before the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting Hudson County (NJ) Bar Association, New York, NY, 12-17-1949.
Remarks prepared for delivery before the New York State Bar Association Antitrust Section, New York, NY, 1-25-1950.
Department of Justice [Announcement] re [Federal Grand Jury at Kansas City, MO, returned indictment charging the National Lead Company, The Association of American Battery Manufacturers ... with violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act]. 2-6-1950.
Address prepared for delivery before National Automobile Dealers Association, Atlantic City, NJ, 2-6-1950.
Address at the Attorney General’s Conference on Law Enforcement Problems, 2-15-1950.
Remarks prepared for delivery at Luncheon Meeting of U. S. Wholesale Grocers’ Association 1950 Annual Convention, Cincinnati, OH, 3-13-1950.
Statement before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. 3-27-1950.
Remarks prepared for delivery at Boston real Estate Board Banquet, Boston, MA, 3-30-1950.
Address prepared for delivery at National Probation and Parole Associations’ Conference of Social Work, Atlantic City, NJ, 4-27-1950.
Remarks prepared for delivery at The Advertising Club of New York “Celebrity Luncheon”, New York City, 4-19-1950.
Remarks prepared for delivery at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award Dinner Honoring Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York City, 5-11-1950.
“Loyal Citizens in Action.” Address prepared for delivery at Dinner of Fifth National Conference on Citizenship, Washington, D. C., 5-23-1950.
Folder 2: J. Howard McGrath, United States Attorney General; 1950 – 1951:
Address before the Joint Seventy-Third Annual Meeting, American Bar Association and Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, Washington, D. C., 9-20-1950.
Address prepared for delivery before the Twenty-First Annual Meeting, Association of Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners, St. Louis, MO, 11-9-1950.
Address prepared for delivery at Jackson Day Dinner, Springfield, MO, 1-13-1951.
“The Government Antitrust Program of the Department of Justice.’ Address before the New York State Association Section on Antitrust Law, New York City, 1-24-1951.
Address prepared for delivery before the Savannah Bar Association, Savannah, GA, 2-14-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at the Conference on Criminal Law Enforcement sponsored by the University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL, 3-2-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at Centennial Banquet Third Annual Institute Smith County Bar Association, Tyler, TX, 4-7-1951.
Remarks prepared for delivery at the Opening Session of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D. C., 4-16-1951.
Remarks prepared for delivery at the Opening Session of the Sixth Annual National Citizenship Conference, Washington, D. C., 5-17-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at Armed Forces Day, Philadelphia, PA, 5-19-1951.
Remarks prepared for delivery at Conference of United States Attorneys, Washington, D. C. , 5-23-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at the Annual Banquet, Maryland State Bar Association, Atlantic City, NJ, 6-23-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at the First Annual Meeting of the National Association of County and Prosecuting Attorneys, Highland Park, IL, 8-10-1951.
[Release of a Report to Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin on the General Aniline & Film Corporation], 12-7-1951.
Address prepared for delivery at New York County Lawyers Association Annual Bar Dinner Honoring Judges Augustus N. and Learned Hand, New York, NY, 12-13-1951.
Folder 3: Wendell Berge, United States Assistant Attorney General; 1943 - 1944
Statement before a Sub-Committee of the Senate Judiciary Committee in Opposition to Senate Bill 1362, [n.d.].
Summary of Statement before the Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization, on the Titanium Cartel, 11-4-1943.
Statement before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate of the United States (Kilgore Committee), 11-24-1943.
“The Sherman Act in the Post-War Period.” Address prepared for delivery before the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association, New York City, 12-14-1943.
Statement before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate of the United States (Kilgore Committee), 2-10-1944.
“Export Associations and the Sherman Act.” Address prepared for delivery before the Commerce and Industry Association of New York, New York, NY, 5-2-1944.
“The Future of International Trade - Freedom or Control?” Address prepared for delivery before the Export Managers Club, New York, NY, 5-16-1944.
“The Future of American Capitalism.” Address prepared for delivery before the Advertising Club of New York, New York, 5-31-1944.
“Justice and the Future of Medicine.” Address prepared for delivery before the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of American Urological Association, St. Louis, MO, 6-21-1944.
"Freedom of Enterprise is not a Political Issue.” Address prepared for delivery before the State-Wide Meeting of the Affiliated Young Democrats, Inc. of New York State, New York, NY, 6-13 1944.
"The West and Postwar Transportation.” Address prepared for delivery before the Kansas City Advertising and Sales Executives Club, Kansas City, MO, 8-7-1944.
Statement before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate of the United States (Kilgore Committee), 9-7-1944.
“The Antitrust Laws and Postwar Prosperity.” Address prepared for delivery before the Town Hall, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, 9-11-1944.
“The Role of Freedom in our National Economy.” Address prepared for delivery before the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 9-15-1944.
“Today’s Challenge to Western Industry.” Address prepared for delivery over Radio Station KGW, Portland, OR, 9-17-1944.
“The Future of Competitive Industry in the Northwest.” Address prepared for delivery before the Rotary Club of Seattle, Seattle, WA, 9-20-1944.
Folder 4: Wendell Berge, United States Assistant Attorney General; 1944 -1945:
“The Importance of Antitrust Enforcement to Our War and Postwar Economies.” Address prepared for delivery before the Seattle Bar Association, Seattle, WA, 9-20-1944.
"The Antitrust Program and the Farmers.” Address prepared for delivery before the Wisconsin Farmers Union Convention, Chippewa Falls, WI, 10-25-1944.
“The People’s Victory.” Address prepared for delivery before the Kanawha County Democratic Women’s Club, Charleston, WV, 12-18-1944.
“Labor’s Stake in a Free Economy.” Address prepared for delivery at a Conference Sponsored by the Workers Educational Service University of Michigan Extension Division, Detroit, MI, 3-16-1945.
“Free Enterprise in Our Postwar National Economy.” Address prepared for delivery before the Eighth Institute of Human Relations, Chapel Hill, NC, 4-4-1945.
“Our Future Economy - Freedom to Control?’ Address prepared for delivery before the Brown University Club of Boston, Boston, MA, 4-9-1945.
“What Substitute for Private International Cartels?” Address prepared for delivery before the People’s Lobby (Broadcast over NBC), Washington, D. C., 5-3-1945.
Statement before the House Subcommittee to Investigate Aid to the Physically Handicapped of the Committee on Labor (Kelley Committee), Washington, D. C. 5-15-1945.
“Trade Associations and the Antitrust Laws.” Address prepared for delivery before the Washington Trade Association Executives, Washington, D. C., 5-16-1945.
“Cartels and our Future World Trade.” Address prepared for delivery before the Rutgers Labor Institute, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 6-6--1945.
Statement before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate of the United States (Kilgore Committee), 6-28-1945.
“Cartels and American Economic Life.” Address prepared for delivery at a Fall Conference on Employment Under the Joint Sponsorship of the Boston Committee for Economic Development and the Wellesley Summer Institute for Social Progress, Boston, MA, 9-20-1945.
“Cartels and the Business World.” Address prepared for delivery at the 17th Boston Conference on Distribution, Boston, MA, 10-15-1945.
“The West Coast’s Stake in Maintaining a Competitive Economy.” Address prepared for delivery before the Town Hall, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, 11-19-1945.
“The Application of the Antitrust Laws to Patents, Trade Marks and Advertising.” Address prepared for delivery before the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, New York, NY, 12-11-1945.
Folder 5: Wendell Berge, United States Assistant Attorney General; 1946
“Why We Must have Vigorous Enforcement of the Antitrust Laws.” Address prepared for delivery before The City Club, Cleveland, OH, 3-9-1946.
“The Effects of Cartels on the Managerial Function.” Address prepared for delivery before the Washington Chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Management, Washington, D. C., 4-18-1946.
“Business Reflections Upon the Market.” Address prepared for delivery before the American Marketing Association, Boston, MA, 5-16-1946.
“The Role of Government in Our Modern Economy.” Address prepared for delivery before the University of Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, IL, 5-17-1946.
“Insurance in a System of Free Enterprise.” Address prepared for delivery before the New England Associations of Insurance Agents, Poland Spring, ME, 6-28-1946.
“The Future of Economic Liberalism.” Address prepared for delivery at the Annual Meeting of the National Lawyers Guild, Cleveland, OH, 7-6-1946.
“Antitrust Enforcement Must Follow Decontrol.” Address prepared for delivery at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Retail Meat Dealers, Cleveland, OH, 8-5-1946.
“Industry Advisory Committees and the Antitrust Laws.” Address prepared for delivery at the Annual Convention of the National Oil Marketers Association, Chicago, IL, 9-27-1946.
“Monopoly and the South.” Address prepared for delivery before the Southern Economic Association, Birmingham, AL, 11-22-1946.
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Department of Justice Statements [1943-1951], MSS 82-2, Special Collections, University of Virginia Law School Library |
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