Professor Richard Bonnie (standing in the middle, with glasses) at the Ethics and Human Value Implications of Science and Technology meeting, 1976.
Stading (L-R): Dr. Gertrude Ezorsky, Dr. Pau; Chapple. Dr. Robert M. Moore, Mr. Richard Wasserstrom, Dr. William Winslade, Dr. Hans L. Falk, Dr. Michael D. Bayles, Mr. Donald Shield, Dr. Asit B. Mukherjee, Dr. Leonard R. Murrell, Dr. Paul J. Price, Dr. Lawrence A. Falk, Dr. Richard Bonnie, Dr. Edward A. Fitzgerald, Dr. James Rachels, Dr. E. Maynard Adams, Dr. Marvin Schiller, Dr. David Lang, Dr. Thomas Hearn, Dr. Browing Hoffman, Sr. Stephen E. Toulmin, Mr. Harvey A. Bender, Dr. Duard Walker, Dr. Hans Uffelmann, Dr. Thomas T. Crocker.
Seating (L - R): Dr. Marvin Kohl, Dr. Lewis L. Coriell, Dr. Marshall Shapo, Mrs. Crocker, Dr. Carol Schiller, Dr. Natalie Abrams, Dr. Betty B. Hoskins. Ms. Eugenie G. Falvo, Dr. Roland M. Nardone.