Collection Summary
Creator: | James M. Martinez |
Title: | Papers of James M. Martinez re Mental Health in Virginia |
Accession: | MSS 2015-04 |
Description: | 17 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) |
Location: | This collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections before your visit to ensure your papers are available. |
Photograph Collection: | View 0 digitized photographs |
Digitized Content: | 0 objects |
Use Restrictions: | Some restrictions apply. |
Collection Description & Arrangement
This collection of professional papers was donated to the Arthur J. Morris Law Library of the University of Virginia in September of 2015. It consists of 17 archival boxes (6.5 linear ft.) and digital documents. The digital documents are listed in the guide and complement the hardcopy files, and are available upon request.
The collection was organized in two parts: Boxes 1 – 13 pertained to Mr. Martinez work on mental health issues in the Commonwealth of Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. Box 14-17 solely relate to the Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform. Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Richard Bonnie files on the Commission.
Biographical & Historical Information
Jim Martinez joined the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) in 1977 and managed the Department’s mental health, substance abuse, forensic, prevention, and youth initiatives and other programs. He was Director of the Office of Mental Health Services, and supervised various administrative, policy and operational functions of Virginia’s public system of behavioral health services for adults. Throughout his tenure at DBHDS, Mr. Martinez focused on developing community services and supports for people with serious mental illness and substance use disorders and their families, and on shaping and implementing a person-centered, recovery-oriented behavioral health system for Virginia. Mr. Martinez served as an Advisor to the Supreme Court of Virginia’s Commission on Mental Health Law Reform (2006-2011), and has been a leader in the Virginia’s efforts to improve the state’s involuntary treatment statutes and strengthen the safety net of behavioral health crisis response services in the Commonwealth. Mr. Martinez is a graduate of the Virginia Executive Institute, and holds a B.A from Washington and Lee University and a M.Ed. from the University of Virginia.
Acquisition Information
Date Received | 2015 |
Content List
Box 1
- 2009, Nov. 25; Advanced Directives Training – conference papers, presentation, forms
- 2004-2006; AOT [Assisted Outpatient Treatment] – MOT [Mandatory Outpatient Treatment] – memoranda, correspondence, recommendations. Documents related to Virginia’s Senate Bills 18, 309, 1079; Brief History of “Assisted Outpatient Treatment” Legislation in Virginia; summaries and documents re Kendra’s Law; some handwritten notes
- 2012; AOT – MOT Issues – Comprehensive Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Plan; DBHDS Implementation Guidance for HB 475 and HB476 Effective July 1, 2012 (draft); Explanation of Involuntary Commitment Process Description Rights VA. Code §§ 37.2-814; 18.2-308.1:3; some correspondence and handwritten notes
- 1978-1980; Bagley Commission [Report of the Commission on Mental Health and Mental Retardation to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia] – correspondence With Richard M. Bagley, Chairman of the Commission and report
- 2006-2011; Bazelon Grant – application. Includes correspondence, memoranda and some documents: “Promoting Use of Advances Directives by People with Serious Mental Illness under Virginia’s Health Care Decisions Act: A Study of Implementation (4 May 2011); “Creating Opportunities Emergency Response Team Report (27 July 2011); “Promoting Use of Advances Directives in Mental Health Care Virginia in the Vanguard (12 August 2011) (2 folders)
- 2003; Civil Commitment Procedures Report Presented to the Secretary of Public Safety, Secretary of Health and Human Resources and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court [of Virginia] (November 2003)
- 2014; Civil Law Training and Emergency Services Conference – agenda, some correspondence and documents: VDBHDS: Medical Screening & Medical Assessment Guidance Materials (1 April 2014); 2014 Law Changes: Putting New Law into Practice (19 May 2014); 2014 Legislative Changes to Virginia’s Civil Commitment Laws (June 2014); Environment of Emergency Services in Virginia (June 2014); Strategies for Implementing a Responsive Local Emergency System (A Short Practitioner’s Guide); Medical Screening & Medical Assessment; Overview of Virginia’s Publicly-Funded Mental Health System: Structure, Funding & Recent Changes (21 July 2014); Purpose of Medical Screening; VDVHDS: Assessment of Virginia’s Emergency Evaluators, Qualifications, Training and Oversight (SB261) submitted to the Governor of Virginia and the General Assembly of Virginia (1 December 2014)
- 2004; [Code of Virginia] – Revision Title 37.1. [Revised definitions of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse for the Title 37.1 Recodification] – drafts, correspondence, printed materials
Box 2
- 1982-1998; Commitment General – Virginia Commitment Bill – DMHMRSAS [Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services] extensive memoranda, correspondence, proposals for changes re commitment and discharge of patients with mental illness; Mental Health Committee, League of Women Voters of Virginia: “Involuntary Civil Commitment and Patients’ Rights in Virginia” (March 1988); Richard J. Bonnie memorandum re Report on Mandatory Outpatient Treatment (13 June 1988); newspaper clippings, printed materials (2 folders)
- 1998, 2000; Commitment Law Revisions – DMHMRSAS memoranda and drafts re recommendations for changes to the Code of Virginia.
- 2006-2007; Commentary (DMHMRSAS) [An Act Providing a Right to Mental Health Service and Supports] – commentaries and perspectives re needed changes in Virginia’s mental health care system, state law, and attitudes toward mental illness. DMHMRSA Briefing Paper: “Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, Mandatory Outpatient Treatment & Assisted Outpatient Treatment with Reference to Senate Bills 18 and 309” (8 September 2006) [See also: Virginia Tech]
- 1994; Deinstitutionalization Commission HJR 139 – [Joint Subcommittee Studying the Effects of Deinstitutionalization HJR 139: Strategies for Treatment Compliance in the Community of Persons with Serious Mental Illness]
- 1996; [Deinstitutionalization] – Virginia Division of Legislative Services Report of the Joint Subcommittee to Examine the Effects of Deinstitutionalization
- 1992-1995; [DMHMRSAS Legislative Proposals] Amendment 37.1-73 [Detention in Jail after certification] – memoranda, correspondence, proposals, handwritten notes, printed materials
Box 3
- 1999-2001; DMH – VHHA – VACSB [Department of Mental Health, Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association, Virginia Association of Communities Services Board] – Emergency [Mental Health] Services Issues. Correspondence, memoranda, handwritten notes (2 folders)
- 2003-2010; ECO [Emergency Custody Order] – TDO [Temporary Detention Orders] Issues – memoranda, correspondence, proposals, notes
Note: General Assembly records also have digital documents that can be requested.
- 1994; General Assembly – memorandum re legislative proposals. Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services Final Disposition 1994 Legislative Session
- 1994 – 1995; General Assembly – Firearms purchase. Memoranda and some correspondence. Report of the Department of State Police, the Supreme Court of Virginia, and the Department of Criminal Justice Services on Increasing the Effectiveness of the Firearms Background Check to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia, HD No. 16 (1994)
- 1994; [General Assembly] – “Duty to Take Precautions to Protect for Licensed Mental Health Professionals and Certified Substance Abuse Counselors” teleconference points
- 1995; General Assembly – DMHMRSAS Legislative sheet; HB 2126: Outpatient Commitment; HB 1920: Alternate Guardianship Order; HB 1697: Power of Attorney; Report of the Virginia Bar Association on Financial Abuse of Vulnerable Adults and the Durable Power of Attorney to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia (1995); Chapter 844 – HB 1960: Temporary Detention Orders Cost Data; SB 917: Benefit Calculations; HB 1885: “Deletes Thumb-printing”; 1996 budget
- 1995; General Assembly Digital Documents – correspondence and working papers [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 1996; General Assembly – DMHMRSAS Legislative Monitoring; HB 90; HB 229; HB 262; HB 332; HB 785; Summary of Acts of the General Assembly DMHMRSAS; Analysis of Patient Choice of Provider Legislation; memoranda, printed materials
- 1996; General Assembly – HB 330 (Delegate Mims); DMHMRSAS Position on House Bill 330 and Proposed Substitute; memoranda; Proposed 1996 Amendments to Involuntary Civil Commitment Statutes
- 1996; General Assembly Digital Documents – correspondence and working papers [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
Box 4
- 1997; General Assembly – HB 2602, HB 2603; memoranda
- 1997; General Assembly – HB 1916 (Delegate Weatherholtz) – DMHMRSAS Comments Re: House Bill 1916; DMHRMSAS Position Re: House Bill 1916); memoranda, notes
- 1997; General Assembly – HB 2733: Confidentiality of Health Care Records, SB 408 Amendments; memoranda
- 1995; General Assembly Digital Documents – correspondence and working papers [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 1998; General Assembly – Legislative Action Summaries for HB 44, HB45, HB 415, HB 430, HB 539; HB 45; HB 1292; HB 1294; testimony of Val Marsh, executive director of the Virginia Alliance for the Mentally Ill on Parity Bill SB 430 (18 December 1998); extensive memoranda, correspondence; Review of the Comprehensive Services Act Draft Recommendations of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commissions.
- 1998; General Assembly – DMHMRSAS Final Disposition 1998 Legislative Session
- 1998; General Assembly – Sex Offenders Bills – Legislative Action Summary HB 128, SB 171, HB 304, HB 1187; memoranda; Fitch, Lawrence W. et al: “Sexually Violent Predator Commitment: Kansas v. Hendricks and the NASMHPD Legislation Toolkit,” State Mental Health Forensic Directors’ Annapolis, Maryland (3 September 1997); DMHMRSAS estimated costs to operate Sex Offender Programs
- 1998; General Assembly HB 428 – Legislative Action Summary HB 428; Communities services boards and behavioral health authorities; comprehensive state plan
- 1998; General Assembly HB 681 – Pro-screener Certification. Legislative Action Summary HB 681; HB 681 Involuntary detention certification program for mental illness evaluators
- 1998; General Assembly Digital Documents – correspondence and working papers [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 1999; General Assembly – memoranda re Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Commission; HB 2540: Health Care Decisions; Legislative Action Summary SB 1227; HB 1633; HB 1920; SB 1030; SJR 334; SJR 382
- 1999; General Assembly HB 1775 – Legislative Action Summary: HB 1775; SB 845; memoranda
- 1999; General Assembly – Juvenile Competency – memoranda, correspondence and documents. HJR 69 Study of Juvenile Competency in Legal Proceedings; Legislative Action Summary HB 1039
Box 5
- 1999; General Assembly – Mental Health Insurance Parity – memoranda; S. 430
- 1999; General Assembly – NGRI [Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity] – Legislative Summary Action SB 976 (same as HB 2366); DMHMRSAS proposals
- 1999; General Assembly – Suicide Prevention – Legislative Action Summary SB 1250 (same as SB 1262); SB 1250 Suicide Prevention in public schools; Legislative Action Summary SB 1150, SB 1239, SJR 382
- 1999-2000; General Assembly Digital Documents – correspondence and working papers [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2000; General Assembly – DMHMRSAS Final Tracking List; HB 1473 Temporary detention orders; physician or psychologist appeal; copy of “Involuntary Temporary Detention; Issuance of Order submitted by the Richmond Academy of Medicine and The Psychiatric Society of Virginia” (October 1999); Legislative Action Summary HB 450, HB 908; HB 968 Mental Health; pre-discharge planning; HB 1390 Amendment in the Nature of Substitute (draft); SB 520 Juvenile Competency; SB 74: Possession of firearms by persons voluntarily admitted to a mental institution; HB 1230: Eliminates the right of a defendant to be competent to stand trial if charged with a misdemeanor offense; HB 46 re health care records of a minor; HB 677 Mental health services providers; duty to inform; SB 90 (same as SB 88: authorizes the use of emergency custody orders as part of emergency admission procedures for juveniles; SB 910 caregivers grants; 2000 Legislative Proposal for department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services 720 (September 1999); legislative proposals; correspondence, memoranda (2 folders)
- 2001; General Assembly – “Involuntary Civil Commitment and the Lack of Medical Clearance in Virginia” (6 December 2000); HB 1662 Law enforcement crisis intervention for persons with mental illness; SB 906 procedure, maximum extension periods; Legislative Action Summary: HB 1904 re changes of duties of the Alzheimer Commission ; HB 2015 Youth suicide prevention; SJ 339 Study, progressive assisted treatment law for severely mentally ill; HB 2491 Involuntary commitment; SB 1119 Mental health courts, pilot program, study; HJ 522 Study, mental health courts; HB 2258 Involuntary temporary detention; HB 2258 Talking points (17 January 2001), notes, memoranda and correspondence; DMHMRSAS Comments on HB 2258 (22 January 2001)
- 2002; General Assembly – SB 57 Mental Health Courts, pilot program, study; SB 482 Persons acquitted of misdemeanors by reason of insanity; SB 426 Acute care psychiatric and residential beds, children & adolescents; HB 678 Involuntary temporary detention, medical screenings; Virginia Association of Community Services Boards Legislative and Budget Agenda 2002 Session
- 2002; General Assembly digital documents: Rationale for DMHMRSAS Suggested Amendments to HB 25: Letter to SJ 97 –HJ142 Workgroup (24 June 2002); HB 1228 (SB 661) amendments; HB 887 Work-plan – OMHS: “Data Collection for Children & Adolescent Inpatient and Residential Treatment Beds”; HB 25 amendments (10 January); 2002; 2002 New LAS document (form); 440 Cross Training Study: “HJR 142/SJR 97 Cross Training Curriculum Study”; 323-329 Work-plan: “Integrated Policy and Plan for Children and Adolescents” (16 May 2002)
- 2003; General Assembly – SB 1079 Talking Points (14 January 2003); HB 2011 Recommended DMHMRSAS Amendments (13 January 2003); HB 2670 Transportation of person in civil commitment process; SJ 315 LIS [Virginia Legislative Information System] Bill; Virginia Acts of Assembly 2003 Session Chapter 523; civil commitment procedures; HB 2698 re civil commitment procedures; memoranda, notes
- 2003; General Assembly Digital Documents – SB 1079 Talking Points (14 January 2015); SB 1326 Summary document; Recommended DMHMRSAS Amendments to HB 2011 (Delegate Bell) (13 January 2003); Proposed DMHMRSAS Amendment to HB 1499 (Delegate Lingamfelter) (16 January 2003); Possible Amendments to HB 2670 (16 January 2003); HB 1499 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points (12 February 2003); Commitment Procedures Budget Language; General Assembly Update for the Mental Health Planning Council April 2, 2003 [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2004; General Assembly – HB 381 re notifications to parents of certain health services to minors, DMHMRSAS Talking Points, amendments; HB 1499 Notifications to Parents of Certain Health Services to Minors Talking Points for Senate Education and Health Committee; HB 953: “authority to consent to surgical and medical treatment of certain minors”; SB 44 Insurance, mandated coverage for biologically based; SB 24 re requirement of an interpreter for any non-English speaking persons in case of certification hearing, involuntary commitment or as witnesses; HB 589 Emergency custody and temporary detention orders, transportation; HB 588 transportation during Emergency custody and temporary detention orders; HB 579: Emergency custody and temporary detention orders; correspondence and memoranda
- 2004; General Assembly Digital Documents - Possible Amendments to HB 953 (Delegate Lingamfelter) (21 January 2004); Options for amending HB 381: Possible Amendments to HB 381 (Delegate Lingamfelter) (20 January 2004); LAS Form 2004; Info for Del. Lingamfelter re HB 953 (18 January 2004); Infor for Del. Lingamfelter re HB 381 (18 January 2004); HB 953 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points (19 January 2004); HB 381 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points (19 January 2004); HB381 – Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute; Final proposed amendment to HB381: DMHMRSAS (Delegate Lingamfelter); Cumulative Report Final Revised: “Major Legislation Tracked by DMHMRSAS 2004); HB 953 – Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
Box 6
- 2004-2005; General assembly – documents related to HB 2037 Interagency Civil Admission Advisory Council; DMHMRSAS Talking Points for Suicide Prevention Legislation SB 889 and HB 2796 (2005); SB 1017 Judicial Authorization of Treatment and Detention, amendments and revisions; SB 507 relating to judicial authorization of treatment and detention of certain persons; SB 1326 Judicial authorization of treatment and detention; HB 2110: Involuntary commitment process for persons with mental illness, standard of proof; SB 718: Crisis intervention pilot programs for persons with mental illness; HB 2550: Advance medical directives, DMHMRSAS: talking points; HB 2551: Definition of mental illness not to include dementia or Alzheimer’s disease for certain purposes, DMHMRSAS talking points, memoranda and correspondence; memoranda, notes, some correspondence
- 2005; General Assembly Digital Documents – Background on MOT – AOT for Del. Sickles (15 December 2004); Draft Civil Commitment Procedures Guidelines and Policy Suggestions for Review; Proposed Legislation: DMHMRSAS to be lead agency for suicide prevention; HB 1662 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points; HB 2037 DMHMRSAS Proposed Amendments; Talking Points re HB 2550 & HB 2551; DMHMRSAS Talking Points for Suicide Prevention Legislation SB 889 & HB 2796 (2005) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2006; General Assembly – documents related to HB 899 Temporary detention process, transportation by sheriffs; HB 353: Mental health; transportation of individuals to be admitted; HB 352: Mental health, emergency custody and temporary detention orders, recommendations; HB 173: Medical and health services to minors, notification to parents
- 2006; General Assembly Digital Documents – 2006 Blank LAS Form; Analysis of SB 309; Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment - Assisted Outpatient Treatment), MHMRSAS Briefing and Recommendation (26 July 2006); Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment - Assisted Outpatient Treatment) (with reference to SB 18 and SB 309) (July 2006); Briefing Paper: Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, Mandatory Outpatient Treatment & Assisted Outpatient Treatment with reference to Senate Bills 18 and 309, Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (8 September 2006); Brief History of MOT-AOT in Virginia: Brief History of “Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Legislation in Virginia (3 versions); Budget Bill Amendments for Med Screening and Assessment (11 January 2006); DMHMRSAS Comments re HB 352 and HB 353 (16 January 2006); DMHMRSAS Proposed Amendment to HB 352 (11 January 2006); Draft Budget Bill Amendments for Med Screening and Assessment: Proposed Appropriations Act Amendments to Support Medical Screening and Assessment (14 December 2005); Final ICAA [Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council] Recommendations: Attachment A, Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council Final Recommendations (12 December 2005); HB 43 notes; HB 173 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points (17 January 2006); Initial Med Screening and Assessment Proposal 928 November 2006); Med Screening # 3 12 5-05: Draft Proposal For Medical Screening and Assessment (28 November 2005); MOT-AOT Summary Bullets (7 July 2006): Mandatory Outpatient Treatment – Assisted Outpatient Treatment Summary of MOT-AOT Issues; MOT-AOT Summary Bullets Mandatory Outpatient Treatment – Assisted Outpatient Treatment Summary of MOT-AOT Issues (9 January 2006); Notes from Kendra’s Law final report (March 2005); SB 18 analysis; SB 18 Talking Points (19 January 2006) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2007; General Assembly – documents related to SB 890: Involuntary mental health commitment, emergency custody orders; DMHMRSAS proposed amendments to SB 890; SB 741: Involuntary commitment hearings; law students may represent petitioner without practicing attorney; HB 2036 Involuntary admission hearings, examination providers; SB 1052: Emergency custody order, issuance and execution; HB 2955 re temporary detention orders; HB 3186: Access to firearms, civil liability; HB 2811: Possession of firearms in residences of mentally ill persons; SB 1388: Mental health courts, pilot program; SB 981: re involuntary commitment
- 2007; General Assembly Digital Documents – Amendments to ICAA membership: § 2.2-2691, membership, terms, quorum, meetings; DMHMRSAS Discussion Points re SB 808 – Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) (18 January 2007); DMHMRSAS proposed amendments to SB 890 (12 January 2007); MHAV Talking Points, Jim Martinez, Director, Office of Mental Health, DMHMRSAS (14 January 2007); MOT General Briefing Paper: “Briefing Paper on Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (24 May 2007) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2008; General Assembly Digital Documents: 2008 LAS Form; Amendments for SB 246; Briefing on Civil Commitment Process/Criteria; DMHMRSAS comments/amendments re MH Bills now in House Appropriations (1 February 2008); Comprehensive Comparison by Topic of Governor’s Mental Health Law Reform Legislation and Related Bills (9 January 2008) [many incoming bills not reflected here]; Coordinating Mental Health Reform – Discussion (2 April 2008); Coordinating Mental Health Reform – Discussion (draft); Involuntary Commitment Criteria – Possible Discussion Points (26 February 2008); DMHMRSAS questions for HHR guidance (16 January 2008); DMHMRSAS Recommendations Edwards (January 2008); ER MDs petition for TDO; HB 499 (sub) added CSB time; Hearing Outcome Data (draft); House MH Bills in Senate (JMM rev1) (2); House MH Bills (JMM rev 1); House Substitute for Senate Substitute for SB 246 [presented to House MH Subcommittee (20 February 2008); ICAAC enabling statute (28 December 2007); ICAAC Legislation Heidi’s draft; JMM Comments re new #8522 (received from Ruth Anne Saturday (29 December 2007); Mental Health Reform – What Does [this bill] Do?; Mental Health Reforms – What Did These Bills Do?; Notes on SB 246 (House Sub ) 2-26-08; SB 177 pilot: Cost Projections for SB 177 (Kendra’s Law) Pilot (5 March 2008); HB 499 (Hamilton) and SB 246 (Howell and Lucas) Introduced Bills, Amendments by Section; Senate Substitute for House Bill 499 [reported from Senate Courts Committee 2/25]; Governor’s Bill relative to Commission bill(s) in same areas (3 January 2008); Things that are in Commission MOT bills that are not in the Governor’s bill; VT Panel and CMHLR [Commission Mental Health Reform] Recommendations (17 December 2007)
- 2009; General Assembly Digital Documents – 2009 LAS Form [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2010 -2011; General Assembly – Special Collection didn’t received documents
- 2012; General Assembly Digital Documents – 2012 LAS Form; Amendment form; DBHDS Recommended Amendments to HB 476 (27 January 2012); HB 475 [TP] Amendments to §37.2-817 regarding mandatory outpatient treatment (MOT); HB 476 Amend 1-20; HP 476 TP; HB 1010 TP # 2 – DBHDS Concerns (18 January 2012); HB 1010 TP: Amendments; SB 585- HB 1280 – DBHDS Analysis; SB 585 DBHDS FIS draft: Department of Planning and Budget 2012 Fiscal Impact Statement [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2013; General Assembly Digital Documents – Summary of SB 1323
- 2014; General Assembly Digital Documents - 2014 Bill List (JMM) (28 January 2014); CSB Preadmission Screening Curriculum: Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) Curriculum for Community Services Board Evaluators and Preadmission Screeners, DBHDS Required Certification Training Modules; FIS SB 424 (24 January 2014): Department of Planning and Budget 2014 Fiscal Impact Statement; House Courts Actions on Bills from MH Subcommittee (3 February 2014); House MH Sub 29 January 2014: Bills from House Courts MH Sub for Full Courts (3 February 2014), (Categories 1-4 directly relevant to November 19th tragedy); Item 308 #2h Health and Human Resources, Grants to Localities Language; Length of Time Locating an Adult Psychiatric Bed; MOT Flowchart; MOT Orders Issued in Virginia, by Fiscal Year, by Type (Source: Supreme Court of Virginia); Paragraph E HB 1172 – SB 260; SB 439 (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Clarifications – DBHDS Agency Bill); Substitute for 37.2-809.1 Facility of temporary detention. [See: lib_law_archive( \\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2015; General Assembly Digital Documents - SB 1410 DBHDS proposed amendments; Legis Proposal 2015 (draft): Instructions, Preparation and Submission of Agency Legislative Proposals for the 2015 Session (July 2014); DBHDS Talking Points and Proposed Amendments to SB 1410; 2015 LAS Form; Background on HB 1694 & SB 966; Proposed amendment to § 16.1-340.1:1 (minors) and § 37.2-809.1 (adults); Background on HB 1694 & SB 966 [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 2014; Governor’s Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response – working papers of several workgroup meetings on January 7, January 24, January 28, March 19, March 23, April 10, May 21, July 15, August 11, 2014. Agendas, presentations, recommendations, email correspondence and memoranda, some newspaper clippings. Includes G. Douglas Bevelacqua presentation (7 January 2014); Virginia’s Publicly-Funded Behavioral Health Services System by James W. Stewart III; Virginia’s Civil Commitment Process by Allyson K. Tysinger; The Impact of the Mental Health Crisis on Law Enforcement by Diana Schrad (Recommendations); Virginia’s Hospital & Healthcare Association: Comments Submitted to the Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (21 January 2014); Review of Incident Following Emergency Custody Order (ECO) Report (19 December 2013); Public Comment to the Governor’s Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (27 January 2014); The Virginia Acute Psychiatric and CSB Bed Registry Initiative Update ; Mental Health Task Force Recommendations (28 January 2014); Recommendations Technical Infrastructure and Data Workgroup (19 March 2014); Office of the State Inspector General’s Address to the Task Force: “Critical Incident Investigation, Bath County, Virginia, November 2013”; DBHDS [Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services]: “Update Protocols, Bed registry and Other Items (10 April 2014); Office of the Attorney General: “2014 Legislative Changes to Virginia’s Civil Commitment Laws” (April 2014); Recommendations (19 March 2014); Public Comment to the Governor’s Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (10 April 2014); Commonwealth of Virginia, Office of Governor Terry McAuliffe, Executive Order Number Twelve (2014), Continuing the Governor’s Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response; Segal, Emily: “The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model for Law Enforcement: Creative Considerations for Enhancing University Campus Police Response to Mental Health Crisis on Campus”; Taskforce Recommendations (16 June 2014); Public Comment to the Governor’s Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (11 August 2014) (3 folders)
Box 7
- 2013; Governor’s Task Force on School and Campus Safety – working papers of several workgroup meetings on January 17, 24, 31 and March 28 of 2013. Agendas, briefings, presentations, recommendations, email correspondence and memoranda, some newspaper clippings; notes. Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the Governor Executive Order No. 56 (2012) Governor’s Taskforce on School and Campus Safety; DBHDS: Implementing Mandatory Outpatient Treatment in Virginia by James M. Martinez, Jr.; UVA Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy Annual Statistical Report, Operation of the Civil Commitment Process in FY 2012 (October 2012); Governor’s Taskforce on School and Campus Safety Mental Health Perspective by James W. Stewart, III, Commissioner, DBHDS; Governor’s Taskforce on School and Campus Safety, Characteristics of Mass Shooters; “Transition to Independence Process (TIP) System; Mental Health Workgroup Proposals for the Governor’s School and Campus Safety Task Force; Martinez, James M.; “Overview of Mandatory Outpatient Treatment in Virginia and Proposed Changes to Temporary Detention Period for Adults”; Heidbreder, Kay: “ Virginia Law on Threat Assessment in Public Institutions of Higher Education” (2 folders)
- 1999; Hammond-Anderson Commission on Community Services and In-Patient Care – working papers of workgroups. Presentations, recommendations, email correspondence and memoranda, notes. “System and facility accountability” Perspectives from Dr. Jeffrey Geller’s Reports (16 October 1998); Kellogg, Richard E.: “The development of a Commonwealth Trust Fund and the Re-Structuring of Eastern State ospital, The Crossroads of Modernization” (30 November 1999); draft of Client Services Committee Henrico County Training Center, Richmond (8 July 1999); Crosswords to the 21st Century Working Together to Build a Better Future for Virginians with Mental Illness, Mental Retardation and Substance Addiction and Abuse Problems (January 2000); “Outline of Publicly Funded Service System for Adults with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) for the Hammond Commission (16 October 1998): Virginia’s Substance Abuse Treatment Delivery System – Strengths, Needs, Challenges and Next Steps presented to the Clients Services Committee of the Hammond Commission (16 October 1998); Anderson Commission on Community Services and In-Patient Care Final Report to Governor James S. Gilmore, III (December 1999)
- 2001, 2004-2005; ICAAC [Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council] Prior History and Work – memoranda and notes re EMTALA [Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act]; medical screening and clearance; concerns with the closing of state psychiatric beds; safety and security
- 2003; ICAAC – VACSB [Virginia Association of Community Services Boards] – memoranda, correspondence drafts re civil commitment procedures; Comments of the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association to the Committee to Establish Statewide Policies and Guidelines on Civil Commitment Procedures (22August 2003)
- 2004; ICAAC – Civil Commitment Issues – memoranda, correspondence, reports of workgroup; drafts; Davis, King E.: “A Review of Census Management Issues and Options for State Psychiatric Facilities”, Commonwealth of Virginia, DMHMRSAS, 21 September 1990
- 2005-2007; ICAAC – agenda, memoranda, correspondence; Report to the Secretary of Public Safety and the Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council on Law Enforcement Practices for handling Mentally Disabled Persons (November 2006)
- 2003, 2005, 2007; ICAA Digital Documents – agenda; amendments to membership; Core Values document; drafts; “Enabling Legislation” document; Final Recommendations (16 November 2005); ICAAC Enabling Statute draft ( 28 December 2007); members list; “Initiatives Subsequent to Civil Commitment Procedures Report (November 2003); correspondence; PowerPoint document re “Briefing for the Senate Subcommittee on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (SB 18 and SB 309)”; “Summary – Civil Commitment Procedures Report (November 2003) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
Box 8
- 1997; ILPPP [Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy] Involuntary Outpatient Commitment – Del. Glenn M. Weatherholtz; Colloquium papers (July 11 1997); legislative proposal draft; memoranda, correspondence
- 1994; HB 816 [Involuntary Admission and Treatment] – Giesen – Evaluations at Hearing
- 1989, 2007; [Involuntary Commitment] – working papers; Stann, Elizabeth H. and Ingo Keilitz: “Improving the Practice of Involuntary Commitment, An Implementation Manual to Accompany the National Center for State Courts, Guidelines for Involuntary Civil Commitment”
- 1986, 1988, 1992, 1997; IOC [Involuntary Outpatient Commitment] – memoranda, some correspondence re involuntary outpatient commitment. Includes Richard Bonnie Mandatory Outpatient Treatment of the Mentally Ill: Problems and Prospects. A Report by the Committee on the Mentally Disabled of the Virginia Bar Association and the Institute of Law Psychiatry and Public Policy of the University of Virginia for the Virginia Law Foundation and the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse (draft) and final report (June 1988); DMHMRSAS Study of Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Proposed Work-plan (27 May 1992) (2 folders)
- 1993-1994; JLARC [Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly] – Study of Involuntary Civil Commitment – Interim Report, review of the Involuntary Civil Commitment Process Exposure Draft (20 December 1993); memoranda, working papers
- 1994; JLARC Involuntary Commitment Study (YR. 2 1994) - Interim Report of JLARC, Review of the Involuntary Civil Commitment Process to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia, House Document No. 77 (1994); JLARC Review of the Involuntary Commitment Process Staff Briefing (27 October 1994); memoranda, correspondence
Box 9
- 1995; JLARC – VHHA – DMHMRSAS – VACSB [Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Virginia Association of Communities Services Board] – Behavioral Health Task Force Training – manual, recommendations
- 1997-1998; Jef’s Law [An Act to amend and reenact §37-.1 of the Code of Virginia, relating to involuntary temporary detention] – memoranda, correspondence, notes, newspaper article. SB 608 Mental Health, involuntary temporary detention; Procedural Expectations for Preadmission Screening Evaluations – Revised Memorandum (12 March 1998) [See also: TDO Richmond case]
- 1998; Mandatory Outpatient Treatment HB 801 – memoranda, agenda, working documents, drafts; “Mandatory Outpatient Treatment: A Legislative Proposal for Virginia, A Report prepared by the Institute of Law Psychiatry and Public Policy of the University of Virginia for the Virginia Law Foundation and the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse (January 1998); Virginia Alliance for the Mentally Ill Testimony on Outpatient Commitment HJR 225 Subcommittee (21 October 1998); Strategies for Treatment Compliance in the Community for Persons with Serious Mental Illness; Final Report of the New York City Study Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Pilot Program (4 December 1998) (2 folders)
- 1998-2002, 2005; Medical Screening – memoranda, drafts, working papers. Behavioral Health Task Force Work Group Status Report Pertaining to Investigating Physician/CSB Pre-screener Disagreements (21 April 1998); DMHMRSAS: Medical Clearance and Admission to Mental Health Facility (19 February 2001); Guidelines for Medical Screening & Assessment (2002); Examination of Admissions with Significant Medical/Surgical Conditions; Draft Proposals for Addressing Medical Screening (2005); Departmental Instructions No. 101(TX)96 Medical Screening of Individuals Referred for Admission to DMHMRSAS Hospitals and Training Centers (formerly DI 131)
- 2006-2007; Medical Screening – memoranda, correspondence, drafts, printed materials. Summary of EMTALA’s Screening, Stabilization and Transfer Requirements; Proposed Medical Screening Protocol drafts (2006); Medical Screening and Assessment Guidance Materials, Developed by VDMHMRSAS, Virginia Association of Community Services Boards, Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, Virginia College of Emergency Physicians (13 March 2007)
Box 10
- 2002, May 3; Mental Health Law Symposium: “Breaking the Cycle: Diverting Persons with Mental Illness Out of Criminal Justice System” – papers
- 2007-2009, 2011; Mental Health Digital Documents- 2008 Final Legislative Report - MH Bills; CMHLR FAQ court file; Community Plan template draft; Coordinating MH Reform discussion (2008) (12 documents); Coordinating MH Reform discussion (2011); Current Policy Issues in Mental Health Treatment and Civil Commitment Law; Draft Community Guidance template (2 documents); Draft Implementation Checklist #1- Commitment; Form 1006 Court Order (10 June 2008); Form 1006 Court Order; Form 1006 Petition draft; Implementation Checklist #1- Commitment and MOT; Item 238 Reporting Requirements; Law Reform Oversight Proposal (draft, September 2009); MH Bills (Fall 2008); MH Reform Implementation Activity to date 22 October 2008; Preliminary data on ECOs (6 November 2008); Proposed FY 2009-10 Reform Allocations May 12 (draft); Reform Guidance #3 IE Certification (24 June 2008 (draft 3); Reform Ideas for MH Law (7 July 2007); Reform Ideas for MH Law Commission and Symposium (16 March 2007); Site Map; Two FAQs (22 July 2008); VACSB Reform Overview (1 October 2008) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez]
- 1999-2001; NGRI [Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity] Defense for Juveniles – memoranda, email correspondence, comments, notes. VBA HJR 680 Workgroup Study about NGRI as a Statutory Defense in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings; National Mental Health Association: “Prevalence of Mental Disorders Among Children in the Juvenile Justice System”; Virginia Bar Association Report on the Adjudication of the Insanity Defense in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings to the Governor and the General Assembly, House Document No. 60 (2000); HB 2653 (2 folders)
- 2008-2009; Psychiatric Treatment in Emergency Room Settings Roundtables – memoranda, notes, working papers
- 2008-2010; Reports – Barclay, Sarah E.: “Increasing the Temporary Detention Period Prior to Civil Commitment Hearing: Implications and Recommendations for the Commonwealth of Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform” (April 2008); Tavenner, Marilyn B.: “Report on Item 282.C of the 2008 Appropriation Act to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committee of the General Assembly” (1 November 2008); Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services: “Report on the Implementation of New Mental Health Services and Monitoring of Civil Commitment Process Changes” (Item 316.LL) (29 December 2009); Merfish, Brett M.: “Virginia Civil Commitment Procedure and Practice: In-Depth and Recommendations to Increase Voluntary Admission,” comment on report (April 2010)
- 2001-2003; SJR 97/HJR 142 [Senate Joint Resolution 97, House Joint Resolution 142] – memoranda, correspondence, working papers. Included are: MHMRSAS: “Virginia Model Jail and Juvenile Detention Center Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs and Jail and Juvenile Detention Center Survey Results Presentation to the Joint Committee Studying Treatment Options for Offenders with Mental Illness or Substance Abuse Disorders” (SJR 440, 2001) (27 July 2001); DMHMRSAS Report of the SJR 97/ HJR 142 Workgroup Studying Cross-Training and Dissemination of Innovative Practices (30 September 2002); Cross-Training and Dissemination of Innovative Practices Report to the Committee Studying Treatment Options for Offenders with Mental Illness or Substance Abuse Disorders (SJR 97/HJR 142, 2002) (18 October 2002); Report of the Committee of the Joint Commission on Behavioral Health Care, Virginia State Crime Commission and the Virginia Commission Youth Studying Treatment Options for Offenders Who Have Mental Illness or Substance Abuse Disorders to the Governor and The General Assembly of Virginia, Senate Document No. 25 ( 2002) (2 folders)
- 1990; DMHMRSAS Study of Emergency Services (1 January 1990)
Box 11
- 1983; March 29; Survey of State Funded Social Security Disability Advocacy Programs (29 March 1983)
- 2007-2008; Talking Ideas + Notes – miscellaneous working papers
- n.d.; Training materials and forms. Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy: “Integrating Laws, Policies, and Treatment Objectives to Implement a Local Emergency System. Civil Commitment Training Program”; Cohen, Bruce: “Risk Assessment for Suicide and Violence”; “Implementing a Local Emergency System, Practitioners Guide”
- 1987-1988; TDO [Temporary Detention Orders] 37.1 – 67.1 – memoranda, notes, some correspondence, proposals, drafts, working papers. Neely, Ronald B.: “Mental Temporary Detention Orders, Continuing Legal Education, Region I, Hampton, Virginia” (27-28 January 1987); Fitch, W. Lawrence: “Virginia Procedures Relating to the Use of Mental Health Experts in Criminal Cases” (April 1988); VBA and ILPPP: “Emergency Detention of Mentally Ill in Virginia” (June 1988) (3 folders)
- 1997-1998; TDO Issues – Richmond Case. Memoranda, notes, some correspondence, proposals, drafts, working papers, graphs, printed materials. Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association: “Virginia’s Uninsured. A Profile of Virginia’s Uninsured Population and Hospital and Health System Services Provided to Them” (October 1997); VACSB: “Guidelines for Minimum Qualifications required for Preadmission Screening Evaluators and Persons Requesting Temporary Detention Orders” (July 1988) (2 folders)
Box 12
- 2009-2010; TDO – Costs 48-72 hrs. Memoranda, notes, some correspondence, proposals, drafts, working papers
- 2013; TDO – 2013 General Assembly - memoranda, notes, some correspondence, drafts, working papers
- 2010-2011; Virginia College Mental Health Study – Report on the Virginia College Mental Health Survey Conducted by the Joint Commission on Health Care in coordination with the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform (7 September 2010)
- 1988-1992; Virginia Office of the Attorney General – memoranda, correspondence re mental health issues (3 folders)
- 2009; [Virginia’s Revised Health Care Decisions Act] – “Understanding and Implementing Virginia’s Revised Health Care Decisions Act,” UVA Law School (22 October 2009)
Box 13
- 2007; Virginia Tech – Report: # 140-07: Investigation of April 16, 2007 Critical Incident at Virginia Tech prepared by Office of the Inspector General for Mental Health, Mental Retardation & Substance Abuse Services James W. Stewart; Recommendations Following Investigation of April 16, 2007 Critical Incident at VA Tech
- 2007; Virginia Tech Review Panel: “Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech, April 16, 2007.” Report of the Review Panel presented to Governor Kaine, Commonwealth of Virginia, August 2007 (2 folders)
- 2007-2008; VT [Virginia Tech] – FY09-10 – Virginia Tech Response. “Summary of Mental Health Initiatives for FY 2008-2010 Budget, Recommendations to the Governor Prepared Jointly by the OIG [Office of the Inspector General] and DMHMRSAS
- 2012; Voluntary and Involuntary Commitment – General Assembly 2012 Session – HB475, HB 1010 – correspondence, working papers.
Box 14
- Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Files
- 2005-2006; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform early planning materials – memoranda, agreements, notes, working materials, printed materials. Includes Bonnie, Richard: Reforming Civil Commitment: Serving Consumer’s Needs While Protecting Their Rights (undated); Monahan, John: “Use of Leverage to Improve Adherence to Psychiatric Treatment in the Community” (15 April 2005) (2 folders)
- 2006-2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform “Miscellaneous Accumulation” – briefing papers, memoranda, email correspondence, notes, reports, drafts, news clippings. Includes: Swartz, Marvin S.: “Assisted Outpatient Treatment/Involuntary Outpatient Commitment: What’s in the Data?’; “Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech, April 16, 2007,” Report of the Review Panel, Summary of Recommendations, Chapter II; Commitment Coordinating Group proposals and correspondence; VCU, Social Work Ph.D Program letter to Governor Timothy M. Kaine re Virginia Tech tragedy; McGarvey, Elizabeth et al: “CSB Face-to-Face Adult Crisis Contact Civil Evaluation: June 2007”; Commonwealth of Virginia Civil Commitment Process Special Justice Responsibilities; Statement of Richard J. Bonnie prepared for the Behavioral Health Subcommittee of the Joint Commission on Mental Health Care (23 October 2008) (2 folders)
- 2007; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 5 March 2007, Charlottesville, VA – Statement and Goals, Task Force on Empowerment and Self Determination, Code Change Ideas points; Crisis Stabilization Sub-committee: “Prioritization of Crisis Stabilization Services”; notes, memoranda, agenda. Also Swamson, Jeffrey: “Empowering Consumers: Psychiatric Advance Directives and Other Reforms” (undated); Swartz, Marvin S.: “Reforming Civil Commitment: Recent Trends and Lessons”
- 2007; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 12 October 2007, Williamsburg, VA – Richard Bonnie’s Opening Remarks; “Recovery, Empowerment and Self Determination: A Vision for the Future of Public Mental Health Systems”, Chief Justice Commission on Mental Health Law Reform, presentation by James S. Reinhard
- 2007; Commission on Mental Health Reform Meeting of 29 November 2007, Charlottesville, VA – agenda, reports and recommendations of task forces, drafts, notes. Commonwealth of Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Report of the Task Force on Children and Adolescents (9 November 2007); Report of the Task Force on Criminal Justice, Blueprint Recommendations (2 folders)
Box 15
- 2008-2009; Commission on Mental Health Reform Steering Committee Meeting of July 16 2008 – agenda, status reports, Action List
- 2008: Commission on Mental Health Reform Meeting of 21 August 2008, Williamsburg, VA – agenda, notes, drafts, reports, research materials. Task Force on Future Commitment Reforms Initial Report; Report from the Mental Health Training and Implementation Task Force; statutory recommendations draft; Report from the Children and Adolescent Task Force; Addendum to Final Interim Report and Recommendations of the Working Group on Health Privacy and the Civil Commitment Process; Initial Report of the Three-tiered Transportation Work Group; Access Task Force Report; Bruce J. Cohen, Richard J. Bonnie, and John Monahan: “Understanding and Applying Virginia’s New Statutory Civil Commitment Criteria’; Jane D. Hickey, Allyson K. Tysinger, and William C. Mims: “A new era begins: Mental Health Law Reform in Virginia”
- 2008; Commission on Mental Health Reform Meeting of 30 October 2008, Williamsburg, VA – agenda, notes, drafts, reports, research materials. Mental Health Training and Implementation Task Force Report; Task Force on Advances Directives Proposed Recommendations; Transportation Work Group Report; Task Force on Future Commitment Reforms Report; Report of the Workforce Development Committee of the Access Task Force
- 2008; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Miscellaneous Task Force Meetings – working papers
- 2008; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform – Report from the Task Force on Future Commitment Reforms (December 2008)
- 2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 6 May 2009 – agenda, notes re Advance Directives Changes: Training and Education
Box 16
- 2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 5-6 August 2008 – agenda, notes, email correspondence, proposals, drafts, reports. Future Commitment Reforms Task Force Report; Transportation Work Group Report; Mental Health Training and Implementation Task Force Report; “Adult Data”; New York State Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program Evaluation Submitted under Contract with the New York State Office of Mental Health (30 June 2009) (2 folders)
- 2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 5-6 October 2009, Richmond, VA – agenda, notes, email correspondence, proposals, drafts, reports. Martinez, James: “Law Reform Oversight Proposal” (September 2009); “Impact of 2008 Commitment Reforms: A Data summary”; Mental Health Training and Implementation Task Force Supplemental Report; Task Force on Children and Adolescents Presentation; Transportation Work Group Report; Future Commitment Reforms Task Force Report; Access to Services Task Force Recommendations; Preliminary Report and Recommendations of the Criminal Justice/Metal Health Initiatives Subcommittee of the Access Task Force
- 2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 3 December 2009 – agenda, email correspondence, drafts. Summary of Changes in the Juvenile Commitment Reorganization Bill
- 2009; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform – Proposed Amendments to the Health Care Decisions Act (19 December 2009)
- 2009; Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Progress report (December 2009)
- 2010; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 25 March 2010 – agenda, notes, email correspondence. Webb, Lindsay J: “Proposal to the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform regarding the reconstruction of Assisted Outpatient Treatment Laws.”
- 2010; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 28 June 2010 – agenda, notes. Report from the Mental Health Legislative, Training and Implementation task Force (28 June 2010)
- 2010; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Miscellaneous Task Force Meetings – agenda, reports, email correspondence. Includes: “Civil Commitment hearings: District Court Variations (4 June 2010); Task Force on Future Commitment Reforms agenda and TDO Extension Study; Richard J. Bonnie statement to the Behavioral Subcommittee of the Joint Commission on Health Care (7 September 2010)
Box 17
- 2011; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Meeting of 24 June 2011 – agenda, notes, email correspondence, memoranda. Includes: Pezzoli, John and James Martinez: “Creating Opportunities: Emergency Response System Improvement Team Surveys; Virginia’s Cross System Mapping Project; Report on Rules of Court for Involuntary Commitment Proceedings (13 April 2011); draft of Virginia College Mental Health Study prepared for the Joint Commission on Health Care, General Assembly of Virginia (June 2011); Virginia Mental Health Task Force Recommendations; The Campus Suicide Prevention Center: “Peer Involvement in Campus-Based Suicide Prevention: Key Considerations” (Summary Version, June 2011); Child and Adolescent Task Force Recommendations; Stewart, James W.: “Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services in Virginia (24 June 2011)
- 2006-2012; Commission on Mental Health Law Reform Research Contracts
Printed Materials
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services: A Review of Census Management Issues and Options for State Psychiatric Facilities, 21 September 1990
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services: Summary of Philosophical Statements on Community-Based Services, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services System, 1949 to Present, February 1991
Report of the Virginia State Crime Commission on The Study of the Transportation of Persons with Mental Illness to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia, House Document No. 43, 1992
Crosswords of Reform, Positive Direction for Virginia’s Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services System, Interim Report to Governor James S. Gilmore III from the Hammond Commission on Community Services and Impatient Care, December 1998
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