Certain photographic images from this collection have been digitized and included within our Photograph Collection.

Accession: MSS 84-8
Parent Collection: The Papers of Hardy Cross Dillard
Digitized Photographs: 32 images

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32

Hardy C. Dillard with Officers on the U.S.S. Randolph
Aerial view of the USS Randolph
Law School Class of 1927 and Spouses ca. 1960s
Law School Class of 1929 Alumni in 1959
Hardy C. Dillard Lecturing in Williamsburg
School of Law Faculty Ritchie, Ribble and Dillard in the Early 1950s
Hardy C. Dillard Playing Softball in the Early 1950s
F.D.G. Ribble Playing Softball in the Early 1950s
School of Law Faculty Ritchie, Ribble and Dillard in the Early 1950s
Hardy C. Dillard Playing Softball in the Early 1950s
John Ritchie III Playing Softball in the Early 1950s
Law School Softball Game
School of Law Faculty Ritchie, Ribble and Dillard in the Early 1950s
F.D.G. Ribble Playing Softball in the Early 1950s
Law School Softball Game ca.1950s
John Ritchie III in the Early 1950s
Kenneth R. Redden Taking in the Scenery in the Early 1950s
Hardy C. Dillard with Law School Students
Hardy C. Dillard Preparing to Ride in a Tandem Glider
Hardy C. Dillard in a Tandem Glider
Hardy C. Dillard at the National War College in 1962
Hardy C. Dillard at the National War College Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama in 1966
Hardy C. Dillard at the National War College Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama in 1967
Hardy C. Dillard Lecturing in Williamsburg ca. 1964
Commission on Constitutional Revision, January 1969
Virginia Commission on Constitutional Revision Members, January 1969
School of Law Faculty, 1968
Summer Law Class 1897
Hardy Dillard and Mrs. W. L. Bunting, Jr.
The United States Army War College (USAWC) Eighth Annual National Strategy Seminar
Commission on Constitutional Revision, January 1969
Dillard University Campus