Biographical Information

A native of Derby, Connecticut, Charles Oscar Gregory received a B.A. in 1924 and LL.B. in 1926 from Yale University. After practicing law in New York for 2 years, he accepted an Assistant Professorship at the University of Wisconsin Law School.  From 1930 - 1936, he served as Associate Professor of Law at the University of Chicago. He came to UVA in 1949 from the University of Chicago, and he became the John B. Minor Professor of Law in 1958. Gregory was considered a pioneer in the field of labor law, and his treatise, Labor and the Law, was described by Emerson Spies as “the bible for both college and law students throughout the country.” First published in 1946, the 3rd edition was published in 1974. Gregory was well-liked by his students. At the UVA Law School, his courses included Labor Law, Labor Arbitration and Collective Bargaining, Torts, and Labor Relations. When he retired in 1967, the 3rd year law class established a professorship in his name, departing from the usual tradition of establishing a chair in the name of a deceased faculty member.  As a law student asked on learning of Gregory’s retirement, “Why can’t the law school get more Charlie Gregorys?”  The Law Weekly’s response was “There just aren’t any more.”  Gregory is described in the 1967 Barrister as follows: “A probing and incisive mind, a genially compelling personality, an ardent bird watcher.” After retiring from UVA, he taught a course in Advanced Torts at the University of Connecticut School of Law for 8 years. A former student and later a colleague, H.C. Macgill, described Gregory’s approach to teaching: “His optimism, and the egalitarianism that was inseparable from it, made Charlie an irresistible classroom teacher.”

Faculty Presence: 
1949 to 1967

Vertical Tabs

Faculty Honors: 
John B. Minor Professor of Law
Charles O. Gregory Professorship