Handwritten notes entitled, "Mr. J.M. Scott's Case," undated.  The case concerns the following devise by will:  "I lend my estate personal & real to my mother E.F.G. during her natural life, & at her death I give the estate equally between my two sisters E.M.S. and S.S. G. or their children if any; at the death of my mother . . . In case at the death of my sisters E & S, neither should leave a child nor children, it is then my desire that my two cousins, E.A.J. and M.J.R. should have equally the above estate to them & their heirs forever."

Collection The Papers of John B. Minor 1845-1893
Box Box 1
Folder Handwritten Notes on Cases; found in Commonplace Book
Physical Description handwritten manuscript, 31.5cm x 19.5cm
Type Manuscript
Use, Reproduction, and Publication of Materials
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