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UVA Law professor Paul B. Stephan, an expert in international business and legal systems, moderated a March 28 discussion at the University of Virginia School of Law on the article "The Law of Nations as Constitutional Law," which was published by the Virginia Law Review in 2012. "Law of Nations" explores how Articles I and II of the Constitution influence U.S. power to exercise such functions as sending and receiving ambassadors, and declaring war. The panel was part of the Virginia Law Review Centennial Symposium, held March 28-29 in honor of the law review's 100th anniversary. Panelists who joined the international law discussion included: Judge Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Anthony J. Bellia, Jr., co-author of the article discussed, Notre Dame Law School Bradford R. Clark, co-author of the article discussed, The George Washington University Law School Carlos Manuel Vazquez, Georgetown University Law Center Jean Galbraith, Rutgers School of Law ‑ Camden